and now my hair is damm thin and full of layering haizzzzz actually got abit of LALA feel no choice have to accept it and wait my hair to grow long AGAIN !!!
And it actually cost me RM220 consider kinda cheap for me coz I actually done it in PJ and it include cut and treatment
since it become so thin and layer so my blonde hair has become black hair again thinking of a new colour to dye any suggestion?
What I can say a quality music video at first this song wasn't 1 of my fav's playlist but after watching this WOW I change my mind
and now I was actually everyday went to youtube just to search this video so after watching for N times only I realize the front part was shown that 13.4.2010 LOL
I love her moves, her attitude although it seems copying Lady Gaga but I still love her!!! support Hyori!!!
notes : this is what called "SEXY & HOT"!!!! really impress me... and I 'm actually too free keep on recommending songs in my blog... lol.. no choice, because I love listen to music~ ^^
I just finished my finals today and I already found out that I lost 12 marks in my OHR paper.. sad
actually I got studied but just dunno why I did wrong or I can say I dun even think dat "it" was the answer haizzz dunno wat happen on me
one A just gone like dat T.T
after the exam, went to secret recipe next jusco for sushi later on trying perfume and clothes wat we did just "wan gat" LOL the stuffs sure scold us after we went out from the shop
reached home around 8.30pm and the "feels" is back
feels like to shout
LET ME OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
notes : thanks to Chooi Lin, Umi, Lynn, Sin Wei, Kin Meng, Kok Leong, Shing Kai, Ee Chern and Alvin for the 3 cute doraemon again~ ^^
just got the pictures from my baby~ she is actually using DSLR thus, I believe the quality of picz will be much more better
tata~ the big "nai cha" ~
Dont u think we can finish it?? nah!! impossible!!
Me and my baby & dear
My "heng dai" ~ =X
My other "heng dai" ~ (hehex!! sifu and bro here also)
my baby & dear (leng lui leh~~ XD)
me and dear ^^
me and baby ^^
erm.... my baby and dear is fighting on the streets... (because of me? XD)
after Wong Kok, we continue to Island Cafe~ ^^
just for???
drinking Kampai and Carlsberg
Believe in me... I actually drank 1 bottle in 1 short...
and I actually got abit dizzy after that "syok"... @@
here are the other emo shoot... and I actually quite like it but just dunno why.. my baby edited it as "dangerous". Lolx!! Am I dangerous?? Guess so... XD
notes : I'm actually walking in the park alone during midnight with 5 GUYS.............. WOW!!!
thx to my Ex secondary schoolmates again & again!!!
Kin Meng Dao Shen Fong Foo Wai Yew Kian Min Wen Qiang Zhi Yang Caely Kar Mun
Love You Guys !~!~!
>>>>> Coming soon with pictures~~~
aikzzzz.... kesian me... >.<"
notes : enjoyed my last 4 hours birthday~ ^^ and..... I realize something...... majority my friends was GUYS....... O.O erm.... not bad actually, so many "body guard" surrounded me... hehex!!!
舞所不再,No Dance No Life, 这也算是我个人签名。14岁,是我第一次踏上舞台。在舞台上,那种荣誉跟快感真的难以形容。从校内到校外,名气也开始随着时间跟着提升。舞台上的那个人,的确是我。可台下的观众看到的,却永远都不会是我。我的努力一直都是奉送与他人,一直都没受到什么肯定。我并不怪他/他们,怪的也只是自己。或许我只是光顾跳舞而忽略了人情世故。。。或许人缘真的很重要。。。。
来到爱情:爱情。。。这两个字从来就不会在我的字典里出现。即使中学时是有暗恋过,甚至于明恋。。这也是我所谓的喜欢与好感。我从来都不会告诉他“我爱他”/“I love you”,我说的也只是“我喜欢你”/“I like you”。也许我并不懂得爱,并不觉得爱情是一回事。直到我遇见了他。。。 从开始暗恋到明恋,一直到热恋。。我仿佛都是觉得自己只是“喜欢”而已。甚至自己有曾经想过,我对他的追求,只是满足我当时的成就感。或许被他拒绝了一次,心里并不是什么好滋味。因此,在我挽回他的心的当儿,我做了无数次的傻事。直到我们终于“开始”了。 3个星期后,我们也结束了。刚开始其实真的没什么感觉,该挽回的我也去做。。直到我知道什么是“结束”的时候,我才知道,我连自己也看错了。分手后的日子,我每做一件事,每走过一条街,他的身影总会在我脑海徘徊着。那种痛,是我第一次尝试,真的很难受。。。或许,这是上天惩罚我。。。惩罚我让我爱上一个不再爱我的人。
in facts, I would like to holds on our friendship but can you please mind your words ya, I agree that I'm being emo this few weeks sorry if I shouted at you or even accidentally scolded at you really sorry actually... I don't have the view to raise up my volume when saying something to you just that......... nah!! I dunno what to say.... *speechless*
since I being stuck in relationship problems... and dun forget U also... maybe the way u treat ur relationship is different from me/others so please dun use ur theory spread on me
"take it easy man!!!!"
ya, I'm jealous!!! I'm jealous as in.... U are the person that really can "take it easy"
btw, just dun think I'm that kind of person that... will crash my "friendship" and "love" together I angry is due to the situation not my own personal feelings.......
notes :
"不是你不知道你自己在想什么,而是有可能是你不肯去面对你在想着的东西" from yenni 或许,我不肯面对的原因,是因为我不相信这一切一切。。。我不相信。。。我竟然看错了自己
right after the TI class we actually plan for gym but at the end due to some "emergency" incident we chg our plan to sport complex to watch 阿牛 not bad.. he is kinda funny ^^
after that went to MCD celebrates my bro early birthday eat, chat, gave and take picz as usual, back home by taking LRT
so reach home around 4pm after shower and dry hair, I started take a "long" nap at 4.30pm
the things comes... I got a very weird dream but the most curious thing I got was... I can actually remember what I had dreamed
normally, people can't really remember what's the incident happened in dreams right? but how come I can actually remember 99% of it even the conversation, the place, the people is totally fresh in my mind now
the dream is actually about... something which will not happen in real or I can say something which will not happen on me
maybe... it shows the "real" view of my thinking
notes : WTH am I thinking?? tears drop automatically............................................