Saturday, August 29, 2009

last lesson of 1st sem..

A group of ladies with 1 guy... =.="

With IA tutor~~ ^^

Last lesson of 1st sem lo~~ 4 months have past, 2 more years to go.. >.<"
Actually nth much special..
we went yam cha in TBR ( yam cha during noon... >.<" )
It seems like..
We still haven't gain a "relationship" yet..
Hope everything will be getting better in next sem..
We still need to face each other for the coming 2 years.. XD

Final is coming soon...
I seems like no mood to study..

Everyone is gathering around here just to send picz... XD

After yam cha section in TBR... Sin Wei fetching us back to wangsa maju LRT... And this is wat happen in Sin Wei Kancil~~~~

Kesian them... 4 guys getting "suck" at the back.. O.o..

Kinz can't even sit properly... sweat~~

Too bad.. U can't avoid my camera~~~ XD

Piser look so innocent here.. XD

It seems like.. Ee Chern are quite "relax" here... XD

Thx to this leng lui *Sin Wei*, being our temporary "driver"~~ XD

Notes : I won't fall sick because of you, But I will feel lonely because of you.... * only abit meh? * >.<"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bye Miss You~~

Just attended my last microeconomics lecture today. Thanks to our pretty and young lecturer - Miss You Hui Li. She was my best teacher among my lectures and tutorials!! ^^ Thanks to her ~ I have score A in coursework for ME!! ^^

Take 1 ~~~

Take 2 ~~ ( everyone is seems to be like changing location.. @.@ )

notes : ~* SSG with Miss You *~

Monday, August 24, 2009

Camwhore ~~ XD

Actually I just wanna return the white hat to my colleagues - Tony. ^^ Thx for borrowing me this hat for my latin dance ya!! XD

Wear this to 1u.. hehex!! ( nola.. actually once I reach 1u, I have taken out the hat.. >.<")

Before edit...

After edit... (O.o.. like ghost wei.. hahax!! )

notes : as a SSG member.. should Syok Sendiri sometimes right??? XD

Contemporary dance competition

Finally got my dance video clips!! ^^ We got 5th place for this competition... erm.. actually i feel quite disappointed, not because of the results... it's because non of our members get into the Top 20 female dancers.. >.<" seriously feel damm sad because of that.. haiz... and actually the top 20 females dancers, their skills is not good also.. maybe they're just too lucky that have been choosen by the judges.. T.T sad sad....

Before make ups~~

Woohoo~~ We got 5th place..

Holding the cups~~~


Seow Wei and Me

Li Ching and Me ( TTnite Finalist !~!~! O.O )

Mei Yunn and Me ( Cute right?? ^^ )

Yong Yi and Me ( gosh.. me looked so dark here.. >.<" )

O.o... too bad I can't do that.. @.@

the prize.. ( what a weird glasses.. Zzz )

the banner~~ ( we spend RM36 on this wei !! @.@ )

Umi and Me ( Sexy VS CooL )

Ian and Me ( Warning group leader )

Lynn and Me ( Warning team )

Random picz ~~~ ^^

Notes : My first dance competition ~~ ENCORE!!! I'm coming !~!~! ^^

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bored bored bored... >.<"

Woohoo~~ dance competition going to held on this coming saturday, and guess what our group did... we didnt really practice during this week.. hahax!! Fine, at the end I kena complaint from my group members... here is our conversation :

CK : When is our practice ??
me : erm.. 2moro... (friday)

LC : har??? how come we didnt practice 1??? u know others is like practice almost everyday leh!!!

me : i know...
CK : then??!! u noe ah.. one of the group leader say.. they practice so hard just to win us AT LEAST...
me : wat??!!!
LC : YALA!!! zzzZZZZ

me : kk!!! practice today k??

LC & CK : ^^

Oh gosh... they are sooo hardworking!!! @.@ too bad.. I just dun wan repeat the same incident like last time.. I have scolded 1 of my dancemates until she cried~~~ @.@ ( so sry about dat ) Maybe i'm too serious and strict dat time.. Thus, just to avoid them hates me.. is better to dun scold.. and just *open 1 eyes & close 1 eyes* ^^

Anyway, since they wan me to be strict.. It's for sure I will be really strict!!! Don't blame me if you get hurts or any muscle pain after this competition.. XD.

And, my lecture was actually end at 4pm, 1 hour to go just to wait them finished their classes and meet at dancing room. What to do during this bored hour?? No choice but to do dat : Homework!!! >.<" Sitting alone in lecture hall.. quite scary actually.. @.@

So empty and cool... @.@

doing BMS.. ( my fav's subject ~~ )

camwhore again.. ^^

notes : sleep sleep sleep... ZZzzzz just know how to sleep, DUMB!!!! >.<"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009










notes : everything significant nothing

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Face Roller..

Just bought a face roller in Sg wang. After 50% discount it only cost me RM3.50, quite cheap anyway.. XD

The face roller...

Role~ Role~ Role~~ I wan to slim my round face!!! >.<"

Before & After

zhe : this is wat u request... >.<"

Friday, August 14, 2009

~ Blonde ~

Just dyed my hair... does it look blonde???
I don't think so...
It suits brown more...

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Accounts : 3.75 (A-)
BMS : 3.50 (B+)
ME : 4.00 (A)

hmmmm... quite satisfy my results, final is coming... is time to study edi.. >.<"

Dance competition coming on next week... finally done my choreographing. *Practice!! Practice!! Practice!!*

notes : waiting for answer.... impossible for me to ask again !!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009





Saturday, August 8, 2009



白羊吗?太恐怖了!他们脾气大、暴力、瞧不起人,还是躲远些、小心为妙!'   如果你这末认为,那你可能就会失去一个肯为你付出生命的人。受火星的灼烧,白羊决不是人们想象中的那种冷血狂魔!   白羊的内心世界有两个:恨的世界与爱的世界。白羊的外显世界与内心世界是同步的,只不过由于他的'恨'意更昭显,以至于掩盖了他爱的那一面。   白羊很善良,心中总是想着别人,很多时候愿意委屈自己而成全别人,但由于白羊不能掩饰自己的情感,凡事争锋,有什末不满就会立刻表露出来,于是不能将 美事做尽,落个彻底的好人,反而最后还招来一鼻子灰!比如,白羊想看爱情连续剧,你想看科教片,于是你们就开始为了看什末而打假。如果你硬看科教片,则白 羊会大吵大骂,最后'砰'的把电视给关上!白羊心里想,电视又不是你一个人的,凭什末只许你看不许我看?!你不让我看,你也别想看!但如果白羊占了上风, 看上了爱情连续剧,而你默默的走开,则白羊一会儿又会觉得过意不去,心疼你,怕你不高兴,于是让你看。一句话,白羊是重形式不重实质,极度不能容忍别人挑 战他的权威。      

其实,白羊是那种死要面子活受罪的人。面子,比白羊的生命还重要!白羊最不能容忍的就是别人贬低他、瞧不起他!谁要是对白羊吼几嗓子,白羊能吼谁24 个小时。比如,上司若是责备白羊不当,则白羊就会气势汹汹的反责备上司,而且责备的更欢。上司责备他一句,他能责备上司10句!!当上司解雇了这个不肖员 工以后,白羊不但不伤心,反而还有种壮烈感:'虽然丢了工作,但是丢得值!我当着那末多人的面骂了上司一顿,真是露脸!恩,同事们现在一定还在议论我的英 雄事迹……'白羊边重新找工作边想,想着想着,自己便不禁暗笑起来,接着便是昂首阔步,得意洋洋,觉得自己真是了不起、不可一世!      

白羊爱面子,都爱到了成癖的地步。白羊希望别人喜欢他、爱戴他、吹捧他,最好能对他前呼后拥、关怀备至。白羊男们总是感慨自己为何没能当上总统,白羊 女们则从来都认为自己是总统夫人的料儿,只是不小心找错了男朋友!白羊总觉得自己是个天才,只是因为怀才不遇才沦落到今天这种无名小卒的地步。比如,白羊 认为自己天生就是个艺术家,只是张艺谋导演没发现他。若是张导发现他,他一定比巩丽要出色的多!由于白羊喜欢那种高高在上的感觉,所以,只要你平素多吹捧 着他、赞美着他,则他便会'累死不知死'的对你,你喜欢他怎样他就会怎样。      

白羊很温柔,只要你没惹着他,你可以随便与他嬉戏。但如果你要是有什末一不小心的举动触犯了他,则最好赶快给自己准备个棺材。比如,白羊与你打情骂 俏,很开心的气氛,双方都乐在其中。忽然,你一不小心,出手重了些,打痛了白羊,则白羊就会立刻瞪大眼睛、提高嗓门,把你骂个狗血喷头,甚至再狠狠的还你 两个更重的巴掌。此时,欢乐的气氛一下陷入了僵局,弄得你心里别扭至极。但白羊却认为,闹归闹,你也总得有个限度吧,出手没轻没重,真是讨厌,我的漂亮的 手都被你打红了!想着想着,白羊会更生气,弄不好再轰炸你一次~~~不过,过了10分钟,白羊又开始和你有说有笑,好象什末事情也没发生过。白羊凡事都来 得快,去得也快,一般不记仇。      

你也许会说:'白羊不记仇?怎末可能!他们总是抓住别人的错误不放!'但是,白羊确实不记仇,他们抓住别人的错误不放,实际上是为了时刻提醒对方,不 要再犯同样的错误!比如,白羊的爱人有外遇,但经过一番周折,两个人又和好了。那末,在以后的生活中,白羊会时常责骂爱人当初是怎末的抛弃自己、自己是多 末多末的不幸、自己的心灵受到了多大多大的创伤!白羊之所以会这末做,主要有两个原因:一方面,每当白羊想起这些,就会十分的激火、生气,于是非骂爱人一 顿不可,以解心头之恨;另一方面,白羊这末做是要时刻提醒爱人,以后不能再有外遇了,变相给爱人敲警钟! 白羊是那种把自己的快乐建筑在别人的痛苦之上的人,因为白羊爱满处宣扬别人的溴事。比如,他会在大庭广众之下,说你们小时候一起玩耍时你不小心尿了裤子, 更或者,他会对你的心上人说你有爱挖鼻孔的习惯(偶服了白羊了~~~)。但是,白羊并不觉得说这些有什末不可以,因为在白羊心里,这些都是那末的美好,是 童年的回忆、是人生百态的小花絮。他们说你的溴事,仅仅是因为他们觉得好玩,觉得很甜美,能给人带来乐趣,把别人的目光都集中到自己身上来,让别人认为自 己是开心果!白羊完全没有挖苦你、拆你爱情道路的意思,只是结果往往……      

白羊天生气质非凡,人中龙凤。白羊的人生宗旨是'活出自己'。由于白羊天性中有桀骜的一面,于是在与人相处的时候,就不自觉的流露出一种傲慢的气息。 由于白羊的这种不自觉的摆谱儿,以至于不了解白羊的人都躲着白羊,因为他们觉得白羊看不起人。但如果有个机会接触了白羊,则人们又会认为白羊是那末的好接 近、那末的好心肠。白羊自己觉不出自己的傲慢,心中只是暗暗纳闷:为什末别人总躲着我,我是多末的平易近人、和蔼可亲啊!!!      

白羊多没主见,耳朵根儿软,自己做好坏分析的能力很差。白羊极富正义感,喜欢让不公正的事情昭雪。但是,由于白羊的没主见,使得白羊的正义感带有一厢 情愿的色彩。比如,白羊认为从一而终是种正义,于是,任何发生婚外情的人都会受到白羊的谴责与蔑视。白羊认为,我一生下来,父母、老师就告诉我要从一而 终,难道我坚持从一而终还会有错误吗?!白羊不明白,任何的一桩善也是一桩恶,正义与否远非能用是否从一而终而简单定论。这也可从一个侧面反映出白羊是个 简单的人,任何复杂的事情到白羊手中都会变得简单、易行(人生能有这种魄力也实在是一件美事)。      

白羊对待感情亦是反应神速。若你向白羊示意爱慕之情,则白羊若喜欢你,第二天你们便成了情侣;若白羊不喜欢你,就会躲你远远的。你若穷追不舍,他还会 一点面子不留的直指责你:'躲我远点,我不喜欢你!否则我打你!'(汗~~~)在白羊心中,喜欢就是喜欢,讨厌就是讨厌,没那末多的的暧昧不清。      

白羊喜欢那种有惊世骇俗之举的人,因为白羊觉得只有这种人才配得上自己。比如,你们约会,到了吃饭的时间,你最好带白羊去钓鱼台吃,就算你的钱只够在 钓鱼台喝瓶矿泉水,白羊也会因你的这个壮举而爱死你;你若带白羊去吃街头的麻辣烫,那末你就做好被白羊蹬了的准备吧!      

白羊的性欲很旺盛,但由于他们很顾及自己的面子,所以总是光想不练。换句话说,就是白羊的意淫很严重。比如,在公共汽车上,身边坐着一个漂亮MM或 GG,于是,白羊就开始对其产生了无尽的有关性的想象……由于白羊的行动力超强,所以做起爱来也是超神速。

notes : 真的蛮准的乜。。。 o.O

Friday, August 7, 2009

I FAILED MY BMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T




In order to score A for my BMS, I need to get at least 85 marks for my final... >.<"
the probability to score 85 marks : 0.01


HOW COME???!!!!
It's MATHS wei!!!

notes : my score = below target, sad..... sad..... sob..... sob..... T.T

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Coursework results...

Basically I have already know that my ME and HE got an A. yeh~~ HD HD HD.. I like HD~~~ (high distinction) but too bad my acc... ( mou ngan tai ) although I still havent get back my results but its for sure that.. my A has already fly off~~ T.T Seriously can't balance my figure in acc.. Next, BMS... for me to score A, I need to get 45/50 in my coursework 2... @.@ My probability to get 45 will be just 0.4, coz I have already know that I have lost 4 marks in the true/false section ( stupid ediot teori.. >.<") Thus, it's difficult for me to get all correct in the calculations.. haiz.. just forget about it.. maybe an A-?? Hope so..

English coursework.. ( guess what I've got??? I got 8/15.. =.=" ) seriously dead for my english.. haiz..

notes : My aim ~ CGPA 3.65++, izzit possible??? lolxxx. I don't think so... XD

Blood Donation

Just back from blood donation today, it was my first time anyway.. And.. I can't believe that I had fainted after I walked out from the hall.. @.@

The process starts with this : First, they will measure your weight once u walk in to the college hall, the minimum requirement is >45kg. It's definitely that I will pass the first stage, my weight is 50kg.. >.<" ( fat jor lo.. ) After that, they will give you a set of form to fill in your personal details. And, the funniest question I have saw in the paper was this :

  • you and your partner are HIV positive
  • you are a man who has had sex with another man
  • you have multiple sex partners
  • you have ever worked as a prostitute
  • you have ever injected yourself, even once, with drugs
  • you have had sex with prostitute
conclusion : those have sex before is totally eliminate, including your parents. >.<"

After that, there will have 4 counter for you to check up your blood type. Thus, what they will do is using a clip shape needle just to suck your blood out ( not actually suck, but something like hurt your finger just to let your blood bleed out ) And it was frigging pain!!! @.@ Just saw her using a " pen sucker " to test my blood on the experiment plate ( something transparent.. ) And, finally I get to know what's my blood type.. It's O, A good blood for others but not for me.. >.<"

After the bleeding section, its time to see the doctor to check your blood pressure. And the doctor was asking me a lot of question like " have you eat your lunch? ", " what time u slept and woke up?" and " DO YOU HAVE SEX BEFORE?? " Guess what I had answered...

I answered " I'm still virgin.. XD "

( Izzit proud that I'm still virgin in 18 years old?? >.<" seems like no guy want me.. sweat)

Finally, Is time for you to received your blood pack in the counter and get ready for "DONATE". Once you lie on the bed, the nurse will starts setting up. You need to hold a plastic role to pump your blood out during the process. Next, they will use a alcohol cloth to kills bacteria on the area for injection. And actually the most pain one is just the injection of Anaesthetic, luckily it just takes few seconds.. Lastly, just wait for the blood fill up the blood pack and you need to rest for 15 minutes after donation.

Basically, the whole process will just takes you roughly half an hour. They will provide you free foods and drinks after the donation process.

notes : My friend - 55 kg, she donated 350 ml of blood. Me - 50kg, but I donated 400ml of blood.. @.@ No wonder she feels nth after that... but me.. PENGSAN jor.. >.<" Maybe is because I'm too tired this several weeks.. too much stress.. haiz...