Saturday, June 12, 2010

Farmhouse Milky Bash

Just back from work for
Farmhouse Milky Bash~
fun experience!!
having games with children and adults
while earning $

this event is actually organized by F&N company
same thing, they're actually promoting milk
but this time is a bit different from my previous promoter job
because this event is actually giving a purpose to thanks their regular customers
who's always supporting them

so basically it's actually for invited guest only
which is around 400 people
thus, it's not consider a kinda big event yet

what they did is just some performance and games
and also redeemed the points to get their merchandise products
all the cute soft toys and some woody puzzles
wondering why they're so crazy to their merchandise products
they can even kept all the bar code from the milk pack
which needed cut it out 1 by 1...
I think they're just kinda free

this event theme is COWBOY!~!~!
we are provided a checks shirt and cowboy hat~
looks cool anyway

Picturez time~

the redemption counter and balloon rock climbing

here is the merchandise products which are serves to redeemed

"cow" for milking section~

me and the horse~ "first time stand so near with horse.. hahax!!"

last but not least ~ my camwhore pic~~ =P

notes : is fun to work there but too bad..... I got darker after came back.... coz I actually working under the sun.... T.T

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